Putut Wahyu Widodo

Putut Wahyu Widodo (deceased 2021) was an artist living and working in Semarang, Indonesia. His works reflect his background as a journalist and editor of one of the leading newspaper in Java. He found his inspiration in news and media events. The blurry images in his paintings are reminiscences of  frozen captures of the video or film frames.

As a painter-cum-visual editor, Putut was especially aware and sensitive towards the power of images. In commercial photography and art, and in particular advertising, the meaning must be clear and distinct and most importantly must provoke a desire to consume. Similarly, Art can communicate feelings and emotions, or thoughts and ideas. These portraits exemplify a modern realism where graphic abstraction, semi-Cubist elements, and figuration meet to create images which are ‘less’ portraits of people and ‘more’ about the creation of a mood, an emotional state, and even alienation. The portraits are more than a mere visual artistic rendition of human gestures and poses. Putut’s task is to reveal what resides underneath the surface appearance of observed empirical reality. The images are mainly free of perspective and have an intensity of line, a flatness of form, minimal use of colour, and most importantly, a harmony of all over design. An aesthetic concern that dominates his entire body of work. Even the picture frame seems to imprison the nude and the elements depicted, enhancing feelings ranging from the serene to uneasiness. Some of the images are physiologically unnerving.

Putut worked with all kinds of digital imaging software. By exploring, exploiting, and experimenting with digitally created images, he is showing us how image making technology can help us to radically change our way of looking, and, thus, enhance our understanding of the world. His artworks reflect an intensive interrogation into our contemporary culture which is increasingly being governed by commercially produced images. Putut did not want to simply copy the work of a machine, but, he wanted to illustrate the problems of converting a digitally produced image into an ‘artwork’. Consequently, in the artworks created for his exhibition, ‘Serene Bodies’, Putut attempted to marry the figurative or narrative contents of photography, with the abstract qualities of painting.

As the works ‘Daylight Fading’, ‘Waiting So Long’ and ‘No In Between’ demonstrate, Putut attempts to depict the ‘alienation’ and ‘self control’ of the modern human being in a contemporary society. Putut thought that “the human body is a space for testing our behaviour and recognizing ourselves, even our own sense of belonging to our own body”. Within these works, Putut apparently wished to erase all the narrative associations which usually can emerge from a photographic image, and, instead, combine this ‘narration’ into a simplified unity of body language, as the subject matter. Putut was exploring a unified image of the human body to stimulate the viewers own sensations and our own unexpected perceptions. However, as the works ‘Groan’ and ‘Waiting Angel’ further demonstrate, Putut was also interested in capturing the character and expressions of the abstracted moment. By utilizing painting techniques such as cropping, placement, color, shape and form, then, by further applying coats of thin acrylic washes and sharp pencil markings to his artworks, Putut succeeded in creating images that do not represent a ‘natural’ object, but, rather express an exploration of a whole new sensual dimension.

Artist’s statement (Bahasa Indonesia)

Belajar tentang kesadaran dan belajar dari kebajikan adalah belajar dengan mengalami sendiri secara langsung dan bukan karena percaya berdasarkan mitos atau pendapat yang diyakini orang lain. Menguji pengalaman diri sendiri baik yang bersifat vertikal ataupun horizontal. Yang mendapatkan pengajaran dari “hidup” ini sendiri maupun yang Ilahiah.

Hal tersebut di atas sangat berpengaruh pada proses berkarya saya, baik contents maupun visual. Tentunya sangat subyektif dan agak tersembunyi. Dan ini adalah pilihan saya dalam berkesenian, dan merupakan konsekuensi logis yang saya hadapi. Tapi berkesenian seperti ini membuat saya bahagia, karena saya punya keyakinan bahwa apa yang saya ceritakan melalui karya saya tetap ada orang-orang yang dapat menangkap atau menerima “tanda” yang saya sampaikan. Ibarat seseorang yang pernah mencicipi atau makan buah apel, tentunya dia dapat dengan mudah menceritakan bagaimana rasa, warna dan kondisi buah apel kepada orang yang punya pengalaman mencicipi atau makan buah tersebut.

Born February 5, 1964 (Semarang, Indonesia) – Died June 11, 2021 (Semarang, Indonesia)

Jurusan Seni Rupa (Visual Art Department), FPBS, IKIP Semarang, Indonesia (1987)

Artworks by Putut Wahyu Widodo

Artist Bio

Solo Exhibition

“Serene Bodies” Tony Raka Art Gallery, Mas Ubud, Bali

“Radical Moderation”, Elcanna Art Gallery, Jakarta

Group Exhibition

“Semarang Art Map ROB”, Indonesia National Art Gallery, Jakarta
“Spirit for All : City and Space” tribute to 100 th S.Sudjojono, Merak Gallery, Semarang
“Jagad Jawa”, Amanjiwo, Borobudur

“Indonesia Contemporary Fiber Art”, One Art Museum, Jakarta
“nDodog Lawang”, Kampung Semarang, Semarang
“SocioBorobudur”, Tuksongo Visual Art House, Borobudur
“Karya Sang Juara”, Indonesia National Art Gallery, Jakarta

“Inaugural”, Mon Décor Gallery, Jakarta
Bazaar Art Jakarta 2011, Pacific Place, Jakarta
“Bayang” Indonesia National Art Gallery, Jakarta
“Membikinnya Abadi” Semarang Contemporary Art Gallery, Semarang
“Indonesia Art Motoring 1” Indonesia National Art Gallery, Jakarta
“Romance De Amor” Bandung -Jakarta
“Life is Amazing” Green Art Space, Jakarta

“Sign and After” LAWANG WANGI-ART Sociates, Bandung
“Green Carnival” Pasific Place, Ritz-Carlton, Jakarta
Bazaar Art Jakarta 2010, Pacific Place, Jakarta
“Dimention” Elcanna Art Gallery, Jakarta
“In the eyes of the beholder” Kendra Gallery of Contemporary Art in Bali
Indonesia Art Award 2010, Indonesia National Art Gallery, Jakarta
“Masterpiece: Percakapan Masa” Indonesia National Art Gallery, Jakarta
“Transfiguration” Literature response text” Semarang Contemporary Art Gallery, Jakarta Art District, Jakarta
“Dimentions” Elcanna Art Gallery,Jakarta
“Coexistence” Dimensi Art gallery Gallery, Surabaya
“Edge of Indonesia” EDGE Gallery, Causeway Bay Hong Kong

Biennale Sastra 2009 “Traversing [Merandai]” Salihara Gallery,Jakarta
“Up & Hope” Grand opening d’Peak Art Space, Jakarta
“Poetical Junctures” La Lanta Fine Art Gallery, Bangkok
“Rising sons from the archipelago” Gallery Lukisan, Dublin
“Technosign” Surabaya Artlink, Surabaya
“Difference” Semarang Contemporary Art Gallery, Semarang
“Re-born” H2 Art Gallery, Semarang

“Image(in)action”. Elcanna Gallery, Jakarta
Indonesia Art Award 2008, Indonesia National Art Gallery, Jakarta
“Myth without Mistique” Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta
Indonesia Art Award 2008, Indonesia National Art Gallery, Jakarta
“Space/ spacing” Opening Semarang Contemporary Art Gallery, Semarang
“Manifesto”, Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta
“Progress Report” Dahara Art Gallery, Semarang
“Silent Celebration” Tony Raka Art Gallery, Mas Ubud, Bali

“Neo-Nation” Jogja Biennale IX, Yogyakarta
“A Memorabilia Exhibition” Tribute to Arie Setiawan, Bu Atie Gallery, Semarang
“Boeng Ajo Boeng” (100th Affandi Anniversary), Affandi Museum, Yogyakarta
“Force Majeure” International Literary Biennale 2007, Langgeng Art Gallery Magelang
Nationalism Imagine (200th R Saleh Anniversary), Yogya Gallery
“Demi Mas[s]a”, Indonesia National Art Gallery, Jakarta, Jakarta
“Tribute to Barli”, Bale Seni Barli, Kota Parahyangan Padalarang
“Imagined Affandi”, (Semarang Gallery) in Gedung Arsip, Jakarta
“Beautiful Death” (roadshow) Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta, City Library of Malang, Orasis Gallery Surabaya, Darga Gallery Sanur OAP, B`OK Art House, Semarang

“Memories of Semarang” (roadshow), City Library of Malang, Gracia Gallery Surabaya, B`OK Art House Semarang
“Rupa Kata” (roadshow) Darga Gallery Sanur, Galeri Orasis Surabaya, City Library of Malang
Pre discourse “Gate”, Semar Gallery, Malang(roadshow Indonesia – China (Guangzou))
“Visual of Words”, Semarang Gallery, Semarang

“Color of Information”, Barli Museum , Bandung
“Space:Sign” Biennale Bali, Tony Raka Gallery,Mas Ubud, Bali
“Side Line”,Galeri Cipta II TIM, Jakarta
“Pleasure & Pressure”, Elcanna Gallery, Jakarta
Pre Bali Biennale 2005, Rumah Seni YAITU, Semarang
“Realistage” (roadshow) Goong Gallery Bandung, Widayat Museum Magelang, Semar Gallery, Malang
“Meta-Etalase”, Semarang Gallery, Semarang
“Intermezzo”, Langgeng Gallery, Magelang
“Fundraising for Aceh”, Bentara Budaya, Jakarta
Multimedia Installation”Wind road to Darwin” for readings of poetry Triyanto Triwikromo and Sitok Srengenge, Semarang

“Bouquet”, Ronggowarsito Museum, Semarang
“Artclips”, Ronggowarsito Museum, Semarang
“Wing of Words, Wing of Colors”,Langgeng Gallery, Magelang

“Semarang Koeroeng Boeka” Festival, Dibia Puri Hotel Semarang
Philip Morris-Indonesian Art Award 2003, ASEAN Building, Jakarta
“Cultural Camp” Tapak Kaki TBRS, Semarang
“MetamorphArt” Ciputra Hotel, Semarang

“Ragaula”, Lengkong Cilik, Semarang
“Spirit on Paper” Sienna Gallery, Semarang
“Digital Painting” Sienna Gallery, Semarang


2010 : Finalist of Contest Competition Indonesia Art Award 2010

2008 : Finalist of Contest Competition Indonesia Art Award 2008

2003 : The Big Ten Contest Competition Indonesia Art Award – Philip Morris 2003

2000 : First Winner National Poster Contest Competition ”Peace”, Limpad Foundation

Event Managent

2010 : Semarang Art Festival I and Awards of The Indonesia Record Museum (MURI) for 4 Masters Cartoonist Indonesia

2009 : Painting Competition “3G” Suara Merdeka Daily, Semarang, Indonesia

Artist’s statement (Bahasa Indonesia)

Belajar tentang kesadaran dan belajar dari kebajikan adalah belajar dengan mengalami sendiri secara langsung dan bukan karena percaya berdasarkan mitos atau pendapat yang diyakini orang lain. Menguji pengalaman diri sendiri baik yang bersifat vertikal ataupun horizontal. Yang mendapatkan pengajaran dari “hidup” ini sendiri maupun yang Ilahiah.

Hal tersebut di atas sangat berpengaruh pada proses berkarya saya, baik contents maupun visual. Tentunya sangat subyektif dan agak tersembunyi. Dan ini adalah pilihan saya dalam berkesenian, dan merupakan konsekuensi logis yang saya hadapi. Tapi berkesenian seperti ini membuat saya bahagia, karena saya punya keyakinan bahwa apa yang saya ceritakan melalui karya saya tetap ada orang-orang yang dapat menangkap atau menerima “tanda” yang saya sampaikan. Ibarat seseorang yang pernah mencicipi atau makan buah apel, tentunya dia dapat dengan mudah menceritakan bagaimana rasa, warna dan kondisi buah apel kepada orang yang punya pengalaman mencicipi atau makan buah tersebut.