Heri Kris studied at FSRD ISI Yogyakarta in 1986. He is regarded one of the important contemporary artists in Indonesia. His first solo exhibition outside Indonesia was in Germany in 1994. Heri Kris participated in several group exhibitions such not only in Indonesia but also in Denmark and The Netherlands (by Gallery Lukisan, Amsterdam). Although his neo-expressionistic boldly coloured works show influences by the (outsider) artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat, they are not necessarily political. The works focus mainly on the visual effects. Unlike the artist Heri Kris himself who is a fierce advocate of individual freedom. Nowadays Heri Kris works mainly on canvas and is experimenting with sculpture.
Yogyakarta May 28, 1967
Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Jogjakarta Indonesia jurusan seni rupa (seni lukis/FSRD)