
Special Sale

Special Sale

Very much to our regret we have to stop our gallery activities soon. All this after many years of pleasure and adventures with you and the artists, musicians, writers and theater performers. The end of 2024 it will be time. So this is our last event…
The works by the Indonesian artists are on consignment with us. In order to help the artists and considering return shipment is precious and tedious, we waive our gallery commission and offer, with their approval, discounts of up to 50% and for some works even more.
Mail or call/WhatsApp us for more information and/or an appointment.
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Lichtende Grenzen

Lichtende Grenzen

16 maart t/m 29 juni 2024

Let op! Zaterdag 29 juni is de laatste tentoonstellingsdag bij Gallery Lukisan

Het complete oeuvre van Jan Wessendorp:

Jan Wessendorps eigen website:

Impressies uit de opening van de tentoonstelling


Beeldend kunstenaar en dichter Jan Wessendorp (1940) schenkt een deel van zijn bijzondere collectie eigen werken aan de gemeente Bergen op Zoom. Deze collectie van kleurrijke portretten en abstracte werken zijn vanaf 16 maart 2024 te bewonderen in het Markiezenhof Museum (de Tuinzaal en de Hofzaal), samen met tientallen andere werken bij Gallery Lukisan en de Stichting Arsis Kunst en Sociëteit.

Onze selectie hier laat de ontwikkeling van stijlen, onderwerpen, verschillende technieken, de veelzijdigheid en de oorspronkelijkheid van de kunstenaar Jan Wessendorp zien. Naast een zelfportret zijn er portretten van personen in het leven van de kunstenaar. We zien niet alleen zijn ernstige kant, maar ontdekken hier ook zijn gevoel voor humor. 

Ter gelegenheid van deze grote solo tentoonstelling, laat een 3-tal jonge componisten van het Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag zich mede inspireren door de werken van Jan Wessendorp. Speciaal bewerkte versies van de muziek zullen ten gehore worden gebracht tijdens de opening van de tentoonstelling bij het Markiezenhof Museum, terwijl een volledig en première concert in het midden van de expositieperiode, zaterdag 11 mei 2024 bij Gallery Lukisan zal worden uitgevoerd door de componisten zelf met een aantal bevriende musici. Samen vormen ze een groep onder de naam ADS e ARTS.

Lees meer informatie over het geplande concert en kom meer te weten over hun muziekproject.


The visual artist and poet Jan Wessendorp (1940) donates a selected collection of his own works to the municipality of Bergen op Zoom. This collection of colourful portraits and abstracts will be exhibited in the Markiezenhof Museum (the Tuinzaal and the Hofzaal) from 16 March 2024, along with tens of his other works at Gallery Lukisan and the Arsis Art and Society Foundation.

Our selection here shows Jan Wessendorp’s development of styles, subjects, various techniques, versatility and originality of the artist. In addition to a self-portrait also portraits of people in the artist’s life. One may discover not only his serious side, but also his sense of humor.

On the occasion of this major solo exhibition, 3 young composers from the Royal Conservatory of The Hague find inspiration in the works of Jan Wessendorp. Shortened versions of the music will be performed at the opening of the exhibition at the Markiezenhof Museum, while the full and premiere concert will take place Saturday, 11 May 2024 at Gallery Lukisan, performed by the composers themselves together with a number of musician friends. The composers and the musicians together are united in a group named ADS e ARTS.

Find here for more information about the concert and their music project.

Selected works

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ADS e ARTS meets Jan Wessendorp

ADS e ARTS meets Jan Wessendorp

zaterdag, 11 mei 2024

Moeregrebstraat 72
4611JD Bergen op Zoom

Alam Gabriel Hernández Ramírez
Virág Anna Virág
Maarten Bauer

Zang: Virág Anna Virág & Bruna Pereira
Cello: Sigrid Sand Angelsen
Viool: Yusuf Prabananta Fini
Percussie: Maarten Bauer
Keyboard & synthesizer: Alam Hernández

Klik hier voor het programma

U kunt ook tickets kopen middels een donatie via GoFundMe voor dit bijzondere muziekproject.


ADS e ARTS is een muziekgroep bestaande uit een aantal studenten en afgestudeerde musici en componisten van het Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag.

Ter gelegenheid van de oeuvre tentoonstelling “Lichtende grenzen“, hebben de musici bijzondere muziekstukken gecomponeerd geïnspireerd op de werken van de kunstenaar Jan Wessendorp.

Speciaal bewerkte versies van de muziek was reeds ten gehore gebracht tijdens de opening van de tentoonstelling bij het Markiezenhof Museum. Het volledige en première concert zal op de bovengenoemde tijdstip bij Gallery Lukisan worden uitgevoerd.

U kunt ook tickets kopen middels een donatie via GoFundMe voor dit bijzondere muziekproject.


ADS e ARTS is a music group consists of students and alumnus music and composition of the Royal Conservatory of The Hague.

On the occasion of the grand solo exhibition “Lichtende grenzen (Luminous borders)” the musicians compose extraordinary music inspired by the works of the artist Jan Wessendorp.

Shortened versions of the music was performed at the opening of the exhibition at the Markiezenhof Museum. The full and premiere concert will take place at Gallery Lukisan at the time mentioned above.

You can also get tickets to the concert by giving donation to help support the project. Please visit the following GoFundMe website for more details about the music project, the pieces and the musicians.

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Veranderende Vormen

Veranderende Vormen

16 September – 11 November 2023

Saturday, 16 September 2023
From 16:00

View and download the catalogue here


Erwin van Duijnhoven (1967) studeerde aan de Vrije Academie in Den Haag en de Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam. Hij zoekt het liefst naar de scheidslijn van het ongemak en het comfortabele zowel in compositie, kleurgebruik, verftoets als eventuele thema. Het schilderen gebeurt veelal als spontane actie, die gepaard gaat met emotionele ontlading.

Raymond Boekelder (1962) studeerde aan de kunstacademie AKI in Enschede en aan de Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten te Amsterdam. Boekelder heeft inmiddels een oeuvre opgebouwd van realistische verstilde kunst waar vorm en inhoud dichtbij elkaar liggen. Hij zoekt voortdurend naar inzichten tussen de kunstmatige werelden van object en mens. Zijn tekeningen met mens als object, diens vereenvoudigde lichaamsdelen en verbonden lijnen zijn onderdeel van een eigen beeldtaal.


Erwin van Duijnhoven (1967) studied at Vrije Academie, The Hague and the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam. He is keen to explore the narrow zone between discomfort and comfort in composition, use of colour, brushstroke and themes. His painting style is spontaneous and can be regarded as a reflection of emotional release.

Raymond Boekelder (1962) studied at the AKI, Enschede and the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten, Amsterdam. His oeuvre has been built on stylised realistic paintings. He is however continuously seeking the insightful relation between the artificial world of objects and human. Human figures as object with simplified body parts, and with knots connected by lines, are part of his visual language.

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Contemporary Art Ruhr 2023

Contemporary Art Ruhr 2023

27-29 October 2023

Hall 8
Zeche Zollverein, Essen, GERMANY

Participating artists
Jan Wessendorp, Laura Casas Valle, Edith Bons e.a.

Entrance / Ticket booth from
Hall 5

VIP Preview (invitation only)
Friday 27 Oct. 19.00 – 20.00

Opening hours
Friday 27 October: 20.00 – 22.30
Saturday 28 October: 12.00 – 20.00
Sunday 29 October: 11.00 – 19.00

The Contemporary Art Ruhr takes place at the former and beautiful coal mine factory Zeche Zollverein Essen (Germany), an Unesco industrial monument with museums and a site for many cultural events and entertainment facilities.

Please MAIL US for free tickets to visit the artfair.

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KADK – Vive la France

KADK – Vive la France

KADK is a collective of artists from different background, disciplines and origine from all over The Netherlands. The group creates individual, collaborative and even commissioned yet affordable artworks.

The theme this year is France “Vive la France”


29 August – 3 September 2023

Opening Hours

Tue 29 Aug: 11:00 – 20:00
Wed 30 Aug: 11:00 – 20:00
Thu 31 Aug: 11:00 – 20:00
Fri 1 Sep: 11:00 – 20:00
Sat 2 Sep: 11:00 – 20:00
Sun 3 Sep: 11:00 – 20:00


Sunday, 3 September 2023
From 15:00
with music by Peter Hogenboom

Participating artists:

Frida Duivenvoorden, Sonja Noot, Tineke den Dulk, Chislaine ten Berge, Han van den Boogaard, Diederick Ingel, Pejo, Sjoert Willemstein, Anne-Marie van Walraven & Ineke van der Burg

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Open Monumentendag 2023

Open Monumentendag 2023

The former church at Moeregrebstraat 72, Bergen op Zoom, the current GALLERY LUKISAN, is open for public viewing during the Open Monumentendagen.

The church was built in 1876 behind a much older house from 16th century called “Wapen van Frankrijk” (the Shield of France) and was not immediately visible from the street. It has been renovated recently and converted to an art gallery space.

During the weekend many historic and listed buildings in many places in The Netherlands are open for visit. An unique opportunity to learn about the history, see the exteriors as well as some of the interiors thoroughly, as some of the buildings are private properties.

9 & 10 September 2023

No appointment necessary.

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Summer exhibition

Summer exhibition

In the summer exhibition of 2023 you will find a selection of the works by artists from Indonesia and The Netherlands. With works by Jan Wessendorp, Edith Bons, Soni Irawan, Ayu Arista Murti, Indra Dodi & Afdhal.

Jan Wessendorp is one the 6 artists in the art specials of the BNDeStem newspaper, which will be published in every weekly edition this summer. Following the publication on 28 July 2023, Gallery Lukisan will also be open Sunday, 30 July 2023 from 11am – 5pm, next to the regular opening hours.

View and download the catalogue here

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Omzien in Bewondering – Joop Mijsbergen

Omzien in Bewondering – Joop Mijsbergen

This exhibition is a selection of works by Joop Mijsbergen, one of the master artists in Bergen op Zoom.

Master in watercolour technique, Joop Mijsbergen also excels in mixing painting techniques oil or acrylic. Mijsbergen prefers to paint on board in stead of canvas, due to its smooth surface, which is perfect for refined details he tries to achieve on his paintings.


8 April – 29 May, 2023


Saturday, 8 April, 2023
From 16:00

The exhibition will be opened by Mrs. Letty Demmers, Municipal Councillor responsible for culture and heritage in Bergen op Zoom.

View and download the catalogue here

Photos from the vernissage

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Infinity – The End

Infinity – The End

At Infinity – The End, Annemarieke van Peppen will show her newest works, greatly inspired by the Trimurti philosophy of Balinese Hinduism. The Trimurti (from Sanskrit) are the trinity of supreme divinity in Hinduism, in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified as a triad of deities. Typically, the designations are that of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer. The effect of this holy trinity is the philosophy embracing the concept that everything happens in one’s life is necessary to strike the balance and to complete the infinite circle of lives.

Van Peppen is a socially engaged artist, involved in several charitable projects in The Netherlands and Indonesia. She recently photographed Ukrainian women refugees to help them cope with their traumatic experiences. In the portraits exhibited recently in the shipyard in Bergen op Zoom, the women are seen wearing their self-made amulets and clothes as reminder for the mother country they have been forced to leave.

Also being showed in this exhibition are paintings and prints by Ukrainian designer-cum-artist Olexandr Pinchuk.

His newest paintings and prints are based on his short animated film “The Big Vault” based on the poem by Taras Shevchenko. The poem is a philosophical and mystical story about life and death, past, present and future.

Mo Rooneh (Jacco Lauret, 1963) is a composer and sound artist, who uses the repeats of sounds and noise as the foundation for his compositions. The philosophy behind the frequent use of ‘noise’ in a production is to bring back a certain reality in the fictional character of a composition.

Over the years he released several projects that received attention in national and international media. In November 2016, Rooneh received the Sakko Culture Prize for the Arts and Letters for his oeuvre. His newest album Zonard will be released on December 10, 2022 and is an integral part of the exhibition INFINITY – THE END supporting the works by Annemarieke van Peppen.


8 December, 2022 – 28 January, 2023


Saturday, 10 December, 2022
From 16:00

Release album Zonard (CD) by Jacco Lauret a.k.a. Mo Rooneh

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Grafiek2022 – Ontmoeten

Grafiek2022 – Ontmoeten

Gallery Lukisan is one of the participants of the Grafiek2022, the nationwide graphic art and printmaking triennial. Museums, galleries, printmaking studios, art centers, and artists will organize various projects and activities related to graphic art – exhibitions, lectures, demonstrations, and workshops. These three months will be dedicated to printmaking as an art form and show the wide scope of expressions and enormous variation in graphic art: from traditional printing techniques to contemporary crossovers, mixed media combined with other techniques, as well as the invention of new printing methods.

Gallery Lukisan is collaborating with Peter Franssen to present the exhibitions and exciting programs around graphic art and printmaking.

Etching artist Laura Casas Valle (The Netherlands) and critical graphic artist Prihatmoko Moki (Indonesia) present their latest works, along with Jan Wessendorp (linoprint, The Netherlands), Soni Irawan (Indonesia) and Herlambang Bayu Aji (Indonesia/Germany). Five different artists with different techniques and different motivation.

Date: 7 October, 2022
Time: 8 – 10 pm
Venue: Gallery Lukisan

Peter Franssen, Yuriko Miyoshi, Marian Vergouwen, Laura Casas Valle.

No appointment necessary.


  • Saturday, 8 October 10 am – 5 pm
    Japanese woodblock print by Yuriko Miyoshi
  • Saturday, 15 and 22 October 10 am – 2 pm
    Etching by Peter Franssen
  • Saturday, 29 October 11 am – 5 pm
    Mezzotint by Sjoerd Tegelaers

All workshops take place in the studio of Peter Franssen (Sint Annastraat 10, Bergen op Zoom) and cost € 100 pax for the full day.

View and download catalogue here

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Merdeka | Vrijheid

Merdeka | Vrijheid

“Merdeka | Vrijheid” is hopefully somewhat appropriate title for the exhibition in the month which Indonesia not only remembers her independence from the Netherlands, but also an opportunity for both countries to reconcile with the colonial past. The words merdeka (from Bahasa Indonesia) as well as vrijheid (from Dutch) mean freedom (independence).

Juni Kusumanto and Edith Bons, two Dutch artists who explore the relationship and the balance of their bicultural background and living environment, as well as critical Indonesian artist Prihatmoko Moki and Yoga Mahendra, participate in this exhibition.


11 August – 17 September, 2022


17 September, 2022
From 4pm

Music by Indonesian cellist Alfian Aditya and poetry by Winarko Boesri. Some Indonesian snacks will be served.

No appointment necessary.

View and download catalogue here

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Open Monumentendag 2022

Open Monumentendag 2022

The former church at Moeregrebstraat 72, Bergen op Zoom, the current GALLERY LUKISAN, is open for public viewing during the Open Monumentendagen. The church, which was built in 1876 behind a much older house from 16th century called “Wapen van Frankrijk” (the Shield of France) and as such was not immediately visible from the street. It has been renovated recently and converted to an art gallery space. 

During the weekend many historic and listed buildings in many places in The Netherlands are open for visit. An unique opportunity to learn about the history, see the exteriors as well as some of the interiors thoroughly, as some of the buildings are private properties.

10 & 11 September, 2022

No appointment necessary.

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Jan Wessendorp – Aan het licht gebracht

Jan Wessendorp – Aan het licht gebracht

The title of the second solo exhibition refers to the new paintings by the artist Jan Wessendorp and works unknown before to general public. 

Although Jan Wessendorp is known for his impressive and large format paintings, in this exhibition you will find his new and smaller paintings, along with a number of works on paper, drawings as well as collage. 

With works ranging from the 1980s to the most recent ones, the exhibition can be regarded as a kind of cross-section of the oeuvre of the artist. Shown in contrast with works by the Vietnamese artist Nguyen Dinh Vu.

15 April – 23 July, 2022

No appointment necessary.

View and download catalogue here

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Flarden van Hades – Theatergroep Honger

Flarden van Hades – Theatergroep Honger

Theatre company Honger is diving into the underworld of the humanity in their newest production. The play looks for stories and situations of this universal search. 

Erol Struijk, who writes the script of the piece, lets himself inspired by the Swedish playwright Lars Norèn, based on a number of documentation, interview, and social research. 

The cast includes Tom van de Berg, Julia Dierikx, Koen van Dongen, Hilde Koopmans and Daan Quaden.

Gallery Lukisan
Moeregrebstraat 72, 4611JD Bergen op Zoom

13 / 14 / 15 / 20 / 21 May, 2022

20.00 – 21.45

Some photos from the build-up of the theatre and the rehearsals at Gallery Lukisan

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The Art of Balancing

The Art of Balancing

The paintings by the Balinese artist Ida Bagus Putu Purwa are full of figures in expressive postures, as token for his search for freedom and troublefree life. The artist finds his inspiration from traditional Balinese dance and modern ballet.

15 January – 12 March, 2022

No appointment necessary.
Face mask is strongly advised.

View and download catalogue here

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Bruut Natuur by SynapsZ

Bruut Natuur by SynapsZ

16 October – 28 November, 2021

A collaboration exhibition with new works the artists group SynapsZ Bergen op Zoom in the Autumn 2021. Exciting new works ranging from drawing, prints, paintings to installation in the former church building and the cellar of Gallery Lukisan, Bergen op Zoom. Some musical intermezzi, dance performance and talks every Sunday afternoon.


zaterdag, 16 oktober, 2021 om 15:00

Na een welkomstwoord van SynapsZ-voorzitter Jan Slokkers zal de opening worden verricht door jazz- en kunsthistoricus Tom Goosen.

Op deze expositie is werk te zien van de SynapsZ-leden Els van Egeraat, Petra Kwaadgras, Fred de Ron, Gerard Huisintveld en Hans Oerlemans en van gastkunstenaars Katja Tempelaars (Schijf: keramiek & surroundings), Frank van Es (Bergen op Zoom: fotografie) en Rob Musters (Rotterdam: illustraties, observaties).

Geheel in overeenstemming met het thema heeft de expositie een organisch/dynamisch karakter. Via een proces van groei en aftakeling wisselt deze expositie steeds van vorm en inhoud. Dat geldt ook voor de gratis toegankelijke bijeenkomsten die op zondagmiddag om 15.00 uur beginnen. Gallery Lukisan is speciaal ‘s zondags geopend gedurende deze tentoonstelling.


zondag, 24 oktober 2021 om 15.00
Lezing “Klimaattraining” door Hanneke van Andel (Klimaattrainer IVN).

Over de overbelasting van onze planeet door menselijke hebzucht en activiteiten, en hoe die terug te dringen. Hannekes lezing wordt ingeleid door Carl Samuels (Regisseur duurzame ontwikkeling en oprichter van Volhoudbaarheid).

zondag 31 oktober 2021 om 15.00
Boekpresentatie “Spelend Metaal” van Fred de Ron, een light-verse bundel met illustraties van Rob Musters.

Gastheer is muziekjournalist Willem Jongenelen. SynapsZ-voorzitter Jan Slokkers leest voor en Henk Boot (Redacteur, lid SynapsZ) verklaart. De afterparty wordt verzorgd door DJ WCoolJ.

zondag 7 november 2021 om 15.00
Lezing “Groencollege” door Tom Goosen.

Over de symboliek en de associaties van groen in de schilderkunst, de muziek en de architectuur, en de kracht en betekenis van groen in onze eigen leefomgeving. Was Bergen op Zoom in 2015 niet de groenste stad van Europa?

zondag, 14 november 2021 – AFGELAST
Dansvoorstelling “Water gevangen in dans” door Wilde Mossels.

Een artistieke vertolking van een natuurelement.

zondag, 21 november 2021 – AFGELAST
Performance “Je reste” van Kunstcollectief P.A.T. (Performance Art Theatre).

Beweging, beeld en geluid golven in deze prikkelende performance langs vele brute maar ook verstilde momenten die de natuur rijk is.

zondag, 28 november 2021 – AFGELAST
Afsluiting met wijnproeverij “Biologische wijn; Meer leven in de Wijngaard”, verzorgd door Vitis Wijnkring.

Verder op diverse momenten onaangekondigde performances, uitgevoerd door de verschillende hoedanig- en persoonlijkheden van Gerard Huisintveld.

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Photography – WATER

Photography – WATER

The theme for the month September is photography, with works by the Indonesian photographer Hengki Koentjoro, an award winning landscape photographer and one of the Hasselblad ambassadors. As part of the photo festival FoBoZ titled “Water”, you will find water birth photography by the Belgian photographer Jos Verhoogen, while Corine Heijmans revisits the places her young father had been sent to during his military service in West-Papua (now Irian Jaya province of Indonesia). 

Date: 1 September – 2 October, 2021


Hengki Koentjoro

FoBoZ Stichting Fotografie Bergen op Zoom

Corine Heijmans exposeert in Galery Lukisan – Nieuws.NL
edition Bergen op Zoom (in Dutch)

View and down catalogue here

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Paper Matters

Paper Matters

Laura Casas Valle is a graphic artist, based in Arnhem, The Netherlands.  The human figure is a recurring element in her works. She finds her inspiration in nature, architecture and images from the media. In her new works she explores beyond the boundaries of traditional etching and pressing prints and creates unique 3-D etching sculptures.

Herlambang Bayu Aji is a Berlin (Germany) based graphic artist, painter and performance artist originated from Indonesia. His creations are often imaginary creatures conjured from a combination of species with strong focus on the traditional Javanese shadow puppetry or wayang, an ancient form of Indonesian storytelling, ultimately raising questions about the relation between human and nature. In his works on paper and objects he combines myths and multi-cultural identities with playful children fantasies and fun.

View or download the latest version
of the catalogue for you to keep.

See the exhibited works


Saturday, June 26, 2021
4 pm – 6.30 pm

Gallery Lukisan
Moeregrebstraat 72
4611JD Bergen op Zoom

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Vind Magazine

Vind Magazine

As you may already know, Vind Magazine is one of the leading Dutch speaking art magazines in The Netherlands and Belgium. Although the magazine most of the news covers historic stories, archeology, antiques and art in general, it now also writes more and more about contemporary art.

In its latest 10th anniversary edition, Vind also writes about Gallery Lukisan. Please find hereby the article, which you are free to download and distribute.

Vind Magazine no. 40

Please download and read the Vind Magazine item about Gallery Lukisan.

Available in Dutch only

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