Artwork by
Yoga Mahendra
acrylic on board
180 x 160 cm (7 pieces)
The artwork titled “I Stay”, inspired by his mentor Ojite Budi Sutarno, consists of differently shaped, painted panels. It is a hybrid between sculpture and painting. The assembled panels remind one who knows Indonesia well, of Garuda, the state symbol of the Republic Indonesia.
Garuda is a mythological figure found in Hindu and Buddhism legends and essentially seen as a protector with power and is shown either in the form of a giant bird with (partially) open wings, or a mix of form of bird with some human features. The Indonesian national airline is also called after it.
“I Stay” is about 180×160 cm in size and consists of 7 painted MDF panels. The meticulously painted panels have different shapes (a head, a torso, a spread bird tail, parts of wings) and form a bird-like figure but with its bare bones, teeth and parts of the wings shaped like a pair of open hands.
The artwork is a celebration of freedom. Painted on the panels are bizarre worlds of all kind of small possible individual universes.